Enrollment Timeline
June to July
In the early summer, browse course listings for the past academic year (2024-25) in Stanford's official course catalog. While courses for the upcoming academic year (2025-26) will not be published until mid-August, you can use this time to read about courses that will allow you to explore academic interests and potential majors. Explore what interests you, even if you are unfamiliar with the discipline. Many of Stanford’s fields will be entirely new to you. Note your interests on the 2025 Academic Planning Worksheet (coming soon) and use course planning resources to help in your exploration. Review the schedule for summer placement assessments, if appropriate.
August to September
In August, the 2025-26 course listings will be published in Navigate Classes and you will have the opportunity to browse course offerings for the upcoming academic year. The Transfer Advisor can review with you information from academic departments about course placement, entry points for different pathways, and academic opportunities and considerations. Be proactive about connecting with your advisor and gathering multiple perspectives on how best to explore your interests within Stanford’s curriculum. In preparation for conversations with your advisor, you may choose to complete the 2025 Academic Planning Worksheet (coming soon).
As you identify possible courses for Autumn Quarter, log in to Simple Enroll and enter these courses as “planned” courses. A “planned” course indicates interest only – it does not reserve a space for you in a course, nor does it commit you to enrolling in it. Later, when enrollment opens, you will return to Axess and click "Enroll" on your "planned" courses. You can also enroll alternatively through Axess without using Simple Enroll.
Upon completion of a summer advising meeting with the Transfer Academic Advisor, your New Student Enrollment Hold will be released and incoming transfer students can begin enrolling* in Autumn Quarter courses when enrollment opens for continuing students in early September, according to your enrollment group.
*Note: In order to enroll in courses, you must also have completed all other obligations required of new students, including submission of Approaching Stanford Forms, health requirements, final school transcripts, and test scores (if applicable). International students may need to wait until they arrive to campus and attend the mandatory immigration session with Bechtel International Center before they are able to enroll.
Preliminary Study List Deadline
The deadline to register your Preliminary Study List for Autumn Quarter is the first day of the quarter: 5:00 p.m., Monday, September 22, 2025.
Final Study List Deadline
You have until the end of the third week of classes to make changes to your study list before the Final Study List Deadline: 5:00 p.m., Friday, October 10, 2025.
Quarter System: One challenge will be getting used to the fast pace of the quarter system. During these first few weeks, students often choose to explore and attend a few classes prior to making their final choices. You can review syllabi (lists of assignments, readings, etc.), look at the textbooks for the courses, listen to lectures, and talk to your advisor. However, do not take too long to finalize your list. Faculty begin assigning work on the first day of class and midterms may begin as early as your third week. Good time management skills are absolutely essential for keeping up with your classes and for balancing your coursework with your other commitments.